A Primer to Creating Your Own Universe

Want to master the universe and do in days what it took the earth millions of years to accomplish? All it takes is Borax washing detergent, boiling water, a pipe cleaner, and a jar. No, really.

Create some beautiful crystals in three days for about $5.00 (or less if you’ve already got a box of Borax hanging around the house. If you don’t have it, you’ll find it in your laundry detergent section at any grocery or big box store).  Watch my video for step by step instructions and if you simply can’t wait, skip to the end to see the crystals.

Borax is a mineral called Sodium Tetraborate and has a naturally occurring crystal form. It’s been ground into a fine white powder and when you put it into a solution and let it cool again the elements will reform into a crystalline structure. You boil some water, add borax, drop in something (pipe cleaners for example) for the crystals to go on, wait a few days and you’ve got the beginnings of your own universe. Today, crystals; tomorrow a new life form.

See my video for step by step or better yet, drop by ICT Comic Con and Science Fiction Festival and check out my crystals!